10 Reasons to travel with Fehr-Way Tours

  1. During the last 35 years we have earned a reputation of excellence as we pay careful attention to every detail so you can have a worry-free vacation.
  2. We offer pre-planned tours. Each tour is comprehensively planed well in advance, eliminating unpleasant surprises. Emphasis is placed on a tour program that is leisurely and yet exciting and enjoyable.
  3. We offer deluxe motorcoach transportation. Our Beaver Bus Lines charter coaches are ultra modern, air conditioned, washroom-equipped, and designed for comfort while travelling.
  4. We have been creating experiences you’ll remember for a lifetime – since 1979.
  5. We listen to what our customers have to say and we review our itineraries accordingly to keep adding value to our tour packages.
  6. We carefully balance our itineraries so there is time for learning, resting and enjoying.
  7. We believe it’s not just where you go that counts, it’s what you see along the way. Sightseeing and attractions listed in our itineraries are included in the tour package price.
  8. We carefully select our tour directors to ensure you are taken care of every step of the way.
  9. When available at hotels, baggage handling is take care of for your comfort.

10. Fehr-Way Tours staff are enthusiastic and customer service oriented.